Valdes Jul

Christmas Special, TV series directed by Morten BH for Cosmo FIlm (DK)

Our work

When producer Sille Sterll approached me asking me to join the development of the visual effects of the Christmas special I immediately accepted and jumped in to a world of magic, nature and suspense.

How does magic look and behave, how is a traditional Danish forest elf looking and can we make a wolf transform in to a girl.

I am very happy with the result that was executed by the team from Hitch VFX under supervision of Ian Bach.

In addition to the post VFX we shot a big central scene of the series on the virtual production studio of FilmGExR in Copenhagen. With a 25x4m screen we created the bog lady's secret camp in close collaboration with production designer Anja Wessel. In the video below we also show how we used AI to extend the VP set.